We can help you resolve any issues related to your car!

LiTRO is a high-quality, fast, mobile roadside assistance service for drivers in a problematic technical or legal situation!

Services are provided round the clock in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Roadside assistance

An unexpected situation on the road? With LiTRO you will never be alone with the problem.

We offer over 100 different services for maintaining passenger cars.

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Roadside assistance

Annual Roadside Assistance Program

 Roadside Assistance ProgramRead Morearrow

Popular services Roadside assistance

Popular services
 Roadside assistanceRead Morearrow

Auto Lawyer

Have you been involved in a traffic accident on the road, faced with forfeiture of your licence or underestimation of insurance payment?

Contact LiTRO Auto Lawyer - our specialists will help you resolve any legal issues on the road - from dealing with police officers to representing your interests in court.

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Auto Lawyer Annual Program

Auto Lawyer
 Annual ProgramRead Morearrow

Popular Services Auto Lawyer

Popular Services
 Auto LawyerRead Morearrow


Annual roadside assistance program for only 9,000 tenge per year


LiTRO app

Download the LiTRO app and solve your car problem in one click

  • appstore
  • play-market
LiTRO app
LiTRO - your reliable partner on the road!

LiTRO - your reliable partner on the road!

We offer a wide range of services to assist car owners. Our specialists respond promptly to any problems with your car at any time of the day, in any city in Kazakhstan, and help resolve them quickly.



У меня на трассе порвался ремень генератора. Позвонил впервые в LiTRO. Мастер сразу перезвонил, привез и установил ремень на место. Спасибо LiTRO


Спасибо LiTRO за быструю помощь! Мне пробило колесо посреди ночи, и я была в полной растерянности. Мастер прибыл очень быстро и поменял мне колесо. Очень признательна за вашу оперативность и профессионализм!

Аима Кишомарова

Молодцы LiTRO! Не в первый раз заказывала подвоз бензина. Датчик не работает. Мастер не только привез бензин, но и предложил отремонтировать датчик. Теперь всё работает. Спасибо!
