Participation in a 3st instance civil court after a road traffic accident

In the process of resolving legal issues arising after a road traffic accident, it is sometimes necessary to appeal to the cassation authority. This stage represents a higher level of legal proceedings, where the issue of the correct application and interpretation of the legislation in the client’s case (civil dispute) is resolved.

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Participation in a 3st instance civil court after a road traffic accident

Our services in a 3st instance civil court are related to:

• Careful preparation of cassation appeals. • Professional representation in court hearings. • Comprehensive defence of the client’s rights and interests.

Why do clients choose LiTRO? Our specialists have significant experience and knowledge in the field of cassation appeal. We strive to ensure that every decision is reviewed taking into account all legal aspects, ensuring that the process is fair and legal.

Advantages of a cassation appeal against a decision related to a road traffic accident: • Opportunity to correct mistakes of previous instances. • Checking the compliance of previously rendered court decisions with the law. • An additional chance for a fair decision.

Grounds for filing a cassation appeal:

• Violation of procedural rules. • Incorrect application of legislation. • Weaknesses in assessing evidence.

Time limits for consideration of a cassation appeal

The time limits vary depending on the complexity of the case and the workload of the court, but it usually takes from several months to a year.

What are the chances of success in a 3st instance civil court

The chances depend on many factors, including the strength of the evidence and the strength of the complaint. LiTRO’s legal advisers will make every effort to ensure the best possible outcome of the case.

If it is necessary to appeal to the cassation instance after a road traffic accident, our team is ready to provide clients with qualified legal support. We help clients at every stage of the process.