Participation in a 2st instance civil court after a road traffic accident

After receiving the decision of the 1st instance court and in the event of complete or partial disagreement of the client with its contents, our team of professional lawyers is ready to represent the client’s interests at the level of appellate proceedings.

We provide: • Thorough analysis of the decision of a 1st instance court. • Preparation and submission of appeals or recalls. • Representation of the client’s interests in a 2-instance court.

Sedan Sedan
100,000 ₸
Crossover Crossover
100,000 ₸
100,000 ₸
Participation in a 2st instance civil court after a road traffic accident

Grounds for filing a claim to a 2st instance civil court:

• Violation or misapplication of the law. • Insufficient or incorrect assessment of evidence. • Incomplete consideration of all circumstances relevant to the case. • Procedural violations that could affect the outcome of the case.

Deadlines for filing an appeal

Usually within a month from the date of the decision by the 1st instance civil court.

Duration of consideration of the case in the 2st instance civil court

The duration of the process may vary, depending on all the circumstances of the road traffic accident, but usually it takes from several months to a year.

Is personal appearance of the plaintiff/defendant required in a 2st instance civil court?

This depends on the case, but often our representation reduces the need for the client to appear in person. Contact us for professional support in the appeal process.