Support in the administrative court of 2st instance after a road traffic accident

When a road traffic accident goes beyond the first instance of the administrative court in Kazakhstan, the importance of professional support increases. The second instance considers appeals against decisions of the courts of first instance.

Sedan Sedan
120,000 ₸
Support in the administrative court of 2st instance after a road traffic accident

Support in the administrative court of 2st instance

At the second stage of the judicial process, in case of disagreement with the decision of the court of 1st instance, an appeal follows in the court of 2-instance. This stage requires careful processing of the case materials and the formation of a strategy aimed at revising the decision. LiTRO legal advisers take on the responsibility of preparing all the necessary documents and arguments, supporting your interests in court in cases of administrative offenses of 2-instance.

The case of a road traffic accident goes to the court for administrative offenses of 2st instance in the following cases: • when one of the parties does not agree with the decision of the court of first instance; • if new circumstances are discovered that may affect the outcome of the case; • if violations of procedural norms were identified during the consideration of the case in the court of first instance.

We understand that the process of appealing a court decision in administrative offense cases of the first instance can be complex and tedious. Our goal is to provide clients with quality support at all stages of the administrative process. If you have any additional questions or require legal assistance, please contact LiTRO specialists.

Time limits for consideration of the case in the administrative court of 2st instance after a road traffic accident

A claim against a decision in a case of an administrative offense is subject to consideration within ten days from the date of its receipt. If petitions are received from participants in the proceedings on an administrative offense or there is a need for additional clarification of the circumstances of the case, the period for consideration of the claim may be extended, but not more than by ten days.

Is personal presence necessary in the administrative court of 2st instance?

Personal presence is not always necessary, but is advisable to defend your interests. Most court hearings in Kazakhstan are currently taking place online.

Is it possible to appeal a court decision in cases of administrative offenses of 2st instance?

Yes, the decision of the court of 2st instance can be appealed to the court of 3st instance through the cassation procedure.

What documents need to be prepared for appeal in the court of 2st instance?

You will need a copy of the first instance decision, evidence of procedural violations or new facts, and a claim.

Does the appeal affect the execution of the decision of the court of 1st instance?

Filing a claim to a higher court, subject to the deadlines for its filing, suspends the execution of the decision until the verdict is rendered by the court of 2st instance.