Pre-trial dispute resolution

In the modern world, car owners often have to deal with various legal problems related to their vehicles. The LiTRO Car Lawyer service offers a range of services for pre-trial dispute resolution, helping clients avoid lengthy and costly litigation.

Sedan Sedan
50,000 ₸
Crossover Crossover
50,000 ₸
50,000 ₸
Pre-trial dispute resolution

Representation of interests when returning a vehicle from an impound lot

We offer a full range of services for returning your vehicle from the impound lot. Our services include: • Advices on vehicle return issues; • Collection of primary documentation necessary to return the vehicle; • Implementation of measures to recover vehicles from the impound lot; • If necessary, return the vehicle through legal proceedings, including appealing the actions or decisions on the basis of which the vehicle was placed in the impound lot.

Representation of interests in case of vehicle theft

• If your vehicle has been stolen, we will provide you with the necessary support; • Advices and collection of primary documentation; • Organization of search activities to find the vehicle; • Pre-trial claim for compensation; • Representing your interests in court to claim compensation if the case goes to court.

Help with unfounded claims from other participants in a road traffic accident

We will defense your rights and interests if other participants in a road traffic accident (RTA) make unfounded claims against you. Our work includes advices, collection of necessary evidence and representation of your interests during the negotiations.

Settlement of minor road traffic accidents

In the case of minor road traffic accidents where calling the traffic police is not required, we will help you resolve all issues related to the settlement of the incident: • Advices and support in preparing the necessary documents; • Assistance in pre-trial dispute resolution with other participants in road traffic accidents.

LiTRO Car Lawyer is your reliable partner in resolving any legal issues related to your vehicle. We strive to ensure that each client receives professional support and is able to quickly and effectively solve their problems without wasting time and money.